Saturday, June 13, 2015

Another Update

I went to the doctor again yesterday since the near blackout I had has made me aware of every time I feel lightheaded. Blood pressure was super high when I went in, but was lower by the end of the appointment. My doctor is concerned about it and is monitoring me for preeclampsia. I don't have it yet, but I'm at high risk for it. She almost prescribed me meds for the high blood pressure. She said, "I don't remember you having so many issues in your first pregnancy. What's going on?" To which I replied, "Uh... It's been 9 years?" lol... I had some blood tests done yesterday for my liver, kidneys, and iron. As far as I can tell, they are normal, but I have yet to get official word from the doctor. A few hours after my blood test yesterday, I developed my first ever blood blister at the spot I had my blood drawn! It was nasty looking. :/ Fortunately, we did some research and just left it alone. It went away after a few hours and has turned into a very nasty bruise color. Luckily, it doesn't hurt. My blood sugar is also low, but making some minor tweaks to my diet (i.e. eating less carbs and more protein) should help keep that stable. I'll be taking the glucose test again in a couple weeks. My doctor wants me to monitor my blood pressure at home, so I need to find a monitor. If anyone has an extra one they aren't using (either one I can use on my forearm or a large cuff for my upper arm), I would much appreciate it! If I fail the glucose test, they'll give me a blood sugar monitor.

As for the baby, all is well! Very active and heartbeat is strong. When I expressed how much the baby was moving to my doctor she said "I'm not concerned about the baby, I'm concerned about you..."