Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Motherhood - A different perspective

I was browsing Facebook and saw this post. Now I know the majority of you, if not all, are nodding your heads in agreement to everything on this list.
Me? It inspired me to write a blog post about how much of this is NOT true for me as a mother of 2 children (one almost 9 years and the other... well you should know already if you're reading this).

1. Sure, I've cried. More so with my first than with the second. And not just because there's more time, either. By this time in Rayne's life, I had shed WAY more tears! I was not enjoying myself...
I will not go as far to say as my children MADE me cry, however. I feel that gives them a responsibility that they should not have. I chose to cry because of whatever particular situation was overwhelming at the moment.

2. ...This is a BIG NOPE! If I want that last piece of pie, then I will have it! At the most, I will express that I want it and maybe give it them if they seem to have a stronger preference for it. This tells them that I am a person, too, and have needs and wants and not everything is just handed to them.

3. I suppose this one is similar to the last. If I'm hurting, then I will not hide it. For the same reason. I am a person, too. Rayne is now aware of the pains of having a baby and she still wants children of her own (please don't ask me why my 9 year old is already talking about having kids... I don't know...).

4. Same thing. Fear is not something that should be hidden or be ashamed of. It just makes the fear grow. Instead, I show that I can face fear and overcome it.

5. Of course, I'm not perfect. And I don't make Rayne believe that I am. And you know what? THAT'S OK! And she will tell you so.

6. Now that's just creepy. Just kidding. Everyone knows sleeping children are adorable. It means they're quiet.

7. And this is a mystery?

8. I think this might be personal preference? Perhaps I'm too logical to be in agreement on this one. I focus more on why the tears are there, address them, then assess feelings later. Really, it only "breaks my heart" when there's physical pain. I can't stand seeing those I love hurt. It turns my stomach. This will probably change in the future.

9. NOPE! I fully believe that if you do not put yourself first and take care of your own needs, then you can't be expected to take care of someone else. There's a reason airplane protocol says you should put your own mask on before helping others. I've contemplated this fact for years.

10. After Rayne, I was perfectly happy not having any more children, but then I met an amazing man who also happens to be an amazing father. So now, I have another one. The decision and experience of having children is completely based on your surroundings and support. So sure, I'll do it again.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Mother's Milk

According to experts, lactation begins within a few days of birth. Mine had begun by the time we got home from the hospital and it was VERY uncomfortable. My boobs were huge and it hurt to wear bras, let alone take them off and let their full weight pull on my chest. I'm pretty sure the milk came in at such force because of Samus' cluster feeding while we were still in the hospital. Every 5 minutes, for 2 minutes at a time for 2 hours. Ugh! That was frustrating! But I'm happy, so far, that this has been the only time she cluster fed at such a pace.

Within a couple weeks, it seemed lactation had leveled out to an acceptable amount and my breasts weren't as painfully full. Only at nights when she went longer than normal.

Fast forward to now, Samus is now almost 8 weeks old and I'm actually having a hard time keeping up with her demand. I believe my supply has dwindled, even. And I'm worried it's going to stop altogether. I'm actually very proud of myself for getting to this point, even through the extremely painful nipples and irregular schedule. I really don't want to end up stopping now that everything is going so well! By this time, with Rayne, I was forced to stop for a couple of reasons. We could never figure out latching, she ended up pretty malnourished as a result and my nipples were pained to the point of bleeding, and I had to go back to work which meant I had to pump my milk, a process I couldn't understand how to do at the time. I hope I never have to experience letting milk dry up so suddenly again...

Anyway, a friend of mine who had her baby just a few days before I did suggested I try lactation cookies. My first reaction was, lactation... cookies?!
But, yes, they exist. Apparently, they are made with a combination of ingredients that all help with milk production.
I looked it up and discovered it's why some say drinking beer is supposed to help. The brewer's yeast is the most important ingredient. Finding where to purchase it was the challenge! The Vitamin Shope is where I finally found it.

So, here's the recipe for those that may be interested in trying it yourself. I only made a half recipe (with just 1 tbsp brewer's yeast) just to try them out (they are DELICIOUS by the way!) and only just made them today, so I'll report back later on how well it does, but so far, the only thing this recipe is missing is stopping every 2 minutes to soothe your baby, then feeding your baby while the cookies are in the oven. Haha...

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Birth of Samus Oliver

Oh, goodness... Where to start?...

In the days leading up to delivery, I was growing increasingly stressed and frustrated by the many contractions I was feeling with no progress and the due date drawing near as I became more and more uncomfortable with each passing day. Anxiety was getting unbearable and I was struggling to find ways to keep myself calm which became an all day task.

At my 38 week prenatal appointment, my doctor offered a membrane sweep.
At 38 weeks, there's a high chance it could do nothing. Since I barely felt any pain and was only 1 centimeter dilated (really?! after 2 weeks of contractions?!), I figured that was going to be the case and I was probably going to end up seeing her again the following Friday (the day before the due date of Sept. 26) and talking about a scheduled induction which is not what I wanted at all. Still the battle of high hopes and practicality raged in my head.

I read that if 48 hours go by without labor starting, then the membrane sweep was a fail. Well... That Wednesday morning I woke up to the same mild contractions I had been feeling for 2 weeks, except the difference was that they were in the morning! And didn't go away when I changed position. Still, they were around 10 minutes apart and not very consistent, so I was trying not to get my hopes up too high.

I continued with my day like normal, working on an invitation order I received through my etsy store. A friend of mine dropped off some glue I ordered from her and while we were chatting outside, I suddenly felt as damp between my legs as if I had been out in the hot sun running and sweating up a storm. Alarm bells were going off in my head, Did my water just break?!, but I kept a very level head while chatting and tapered off the conversation so I could quickly run inside and check. This was around 4pm. I called Labor & Delivery and they wanted me to come in just to be on the safe side.

Turned out that my water hadn't broken (I believe it was the mucus plug), but I was most definitely dilating. At this point I was at 2.5 centimeters and stretched to 3 during another membrane sweep. At least something was working... The midwife was actually surprised to hear that my doctor was going to allow me to go to 40 weeks with high blood pressure. Apparently, it's procedure to schedule induction for 39 weeks. After deliberating and determining that maybe induction was not the devil after all, we scheduled it for Sunday, September 20th. I left feeling a bit better that an end was coming whether my body progressed or not.

The next morning, I awoke to continued contractions, though they felt a bit more intense. Again, I tried not to get my hopes too high and decided to work on my invitation order again. This became increasingly difficult as I was beginning the need to pause with each contraction. Eventually, I grew too uncomfortable to continue working and decided to rest and time them.

Around 1pm, the contractions grew much more consistent at 5 minutes apart and were finally around a minute long. After an hour of this, I called L&D (5-1-1 rule; "if you are having contractions every five minutes, each contraction lasts about one minute, and these minute-long contractions last for one hour, call the doctor or go to the hospital"). I could still essentially talk through the contractions, so their suggestion was that I wait it out a bit longer.

This continued until about 4, but with hardly any change. I was worried about a sudden rapid change/progression, so we left for the hospital. It was cute to see Peter freak out almost like you see in movies. He kept a level head, but I could definitely see it.

There we were at the hospital again. The contractions were finally showing up consistently on the monitor, though it was almost obvious they weren't that strong, but I was still very hopeful by this point.
A different midwife from the previous day showed up and did a check. 3.5... Are you kidding me?! All of this for hours and only a half a centimeter of progression? But it's actually getting painful now! Ugh! I was already upset, but the midwife pissed me off further by saying I didn't look like a woman in labor. Really? How would you know how I look?! I have a high tolerance for pain and am very good at hiding it! Whatever lady...
She did give advice to use imagery to help move things along and predicted we'd be back by midnight. Then why not admit me now?! She then suggested we could go for a walk for a couple hours then come back to be checked again. Ugh, ok, fine! We'll do that...

We decided to take advantage of a PF Changs gift card we had since it would, most likely, be the last opportunity we had for a long time. As soon as we were seated, we explained to our server that I was in labor, but not being admitted by the hospital yet, so we may have to dash out at a moment's notice and I will likely not be responsive at times during contractions. He was very nice and understood completely. It was cute to see him freak out a bit about it, too. He kept checking in on us to be sure we were still ok. We were able to enjoy our meal, decided to take our dessert to go because I was getting uncomfortable just sitting, and went for a walk around the mall. I had to stop and breathe through every contraction and after about 20 minutes of walking, I decided I didn't want people staring at me any longer (No dude in the big ass truck. I'm not bending over for your viewing pleasure. Please continue on your way.) and wanted to go back to the hospital to be checked. This was about 8pm.

Just around the corner from the hospital, I suggested we go home instead because I didn't feel much different and didn't want to go through triage again only to be disappointed and sent home again...

I showered, bounced on a yoga ball, rocked back and forth, and finally lay down to see if I could get some sleep. As suspected, I woke up for every contraction, but was able to get a little rest.

At about 10pm, there was a sudden shift in contractions. Ouch! They were definitely painful now and were spread around my entire belly! Very quickly it become, omg, I don't think I can handle this pain for much longer. This went on for another 2 hours before we finally left for the hospital again.

While there, the midwife we had seen on Wednesday checked me again which was super painful that time. She announced, "Third time's the charm. You're at a 5!" Yes! We were finally being admitted! Now, please do something about this pain!!

I tried an alternate pain management thingy (something tens) which was an electrical pulse that goes through my back and interrupts the pain receptors in the brain. It didn't work... By the time I arrived to the next room, I immediately requested the epidural. I was hoping Peter wasn't disappointed in me because he kept telling me how great of a job I was doing at handling the pain, but I was SUPER happy the moment it finally kicked in. I had to wait through a know-it-all nurse who wouldn't explain anything and a bag of saline before getting it, but I still do not regret it. This was maybe 2:30 or 3am and I was at a 6 by this point.

It took a while for the nurse to set things up (in the meantime we changed nurses because we didn't like the first), but once done they turned off the lights and suggested we get some sleep. This was at about 4:30am.

We drifted off to sleep, but were awakened to the nurses and midwife rushing in, turning the lights on and asking me to roll to my side because the baby's heart rate was dropping and my blood pressure had sky rocketed. I looked at the time to discover it had only been 5-10 minutes since we drifted off to sleep!

The midwife checked me again and said "The head is right there."
Still groggy, I said, "What does that mean?"
"You're having a baby!"
"Right now?! I didn't feel anything!"
In that short time, I had dilated to a 10, the baby descended, and the water broke.

I had warned the midwife earlier about my 10 minute delivery of my first child, so she waited until everyone was ready before having me "practice push." Of course, this practice push made the head crown already so she coached me through gently pushing the rest of the baby out. 5 minutes later, we heard a cry and Samus was placed on my tummy at 5:08am!
At that moment, I didn't care that she was still covered in amniotic fluid, blood, and mucus. I had forgotten that they mentioned there was meconium in the water. I didn't hear the apgar score. I even forgot that there was still the placenta to deliver. All I could see was her and Peter there next to me. And all I wanted to hear was her continued cry. She stopped crying a couple of times, which worried me, but she was just fine. She has 10 fingers and 10 toes. Yes, she's indeed a female. She has my nose! She's darker than I expected. She has lots of dark hair...

I had no tearing to speak of, so cleanup was relatively easy other than trying to collect enough cord blood for the donation we had set up. Her apgar scores (of which Peter heard) were 8 and 9 and the meconium didn't mean anything as far as her health. They just needed to be sure that she didn't swallow any of it on her first breath. She latched on to feed very easily and stayed there for over 20 minutes on each side. Everything was perfect.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Prenatal Appointment (38 Weeks)

This appointment was... disappointing to say the least. After over 2 weeks of very convincing contractions (most of them not painful, but some with slight twinges of pain), I'm still only 1 cm dilated and 0% effaced. Not to mention the baby HAS NOT dropped like I originally thought.

This is coming after being in Labor & Delivery last night because of the rare occurrence of a migraine (not the kind with headache, they're called Vestibular Migraines) followed by weird blood pressure readings (124/99, 134/94, 126/100, etc.). After being monitored for a couple hours, my blood pressure seemed to stabilize, though the last reading before discharge was 147/89... Still, lab work was normal, meaning there was no indication of preeclampsia just yet.

In my appointment this morning, my blood pressure was 169/94! Taken in a different location of my arm it was 124/94 again... Wth?! So, my doctor determined it was time to put me on medication... yay... I had issues with blood pressure at the end of my last pregnancy and all through labor. She wants to try to avoid any issues this time.

I have another appointment next week and if nothing's happened by then, my doctor wants to talk about induction... Something I wanted to avoid.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Prenatal Appointment (36 Weeks)

I had my appointment yesterday and my first cervical check. I'm currently only a half of a centimeter dilated with no effacement. I have, however, begun to have contractions. Saturday is when they started which made me nervous that we wouldn't make it to the Weird Al concert on Sunday. They were mild, though with no pain at all. I'm still having them here and there that last about 30 seconds, but aren't consistent.

The baby seems to be growing quite a bit! I've even gained 4 lbs back in the last 4 weeks... Definitely running out of room in there, which unfortunately, makes the movements that are present very painful... As I said this morning, the baby's nickname is now Starfish.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Trip to L&D

Nothing to be concerned about, really.

For a few days, I had been feeling dehydrated to the point of terrible headache and feeling like I'm going to pass out. This is despite drinking 3/4 to a full gallon of water each day! Yesterday morning, I had had enough and decided to take a trip to Labor and Delivery to be sure nothing serious was going on.

They hooked me up to monitors. The baby's heart rate is perfect (I didn't have a concern about the baby), my blood pressure is fine (a great sign as I'm approaching labor), and I didn't have any contractions while there. They checked for ketones in my urine and there weren't any, so despite what I'm feeling, I'm not severely dehydrated. Still they recommended I get a liter of saline via IV to catch my body up to what it needs, which I thought was a great idea!

An hour and a half and 3 pokes of needles later, I felt much better! They recommended I drink a gallon and a half of a mix between water and Gatorade. Jeeze! And I thought peeing every hour was annoying. -.-

Also, my blood sugar was only 69 and this was just after eating a protein bar. I had an imbalance of carbs to protein for breakfast (apple cinnamon oatmeal with raisins and Kefir), so that may have contributed. They suggested I try to maintain 90 grams of protein spread throughout the day which I had been trying to do, but it's very hard with my limited choices... I had been skipping my snacks lately, though, so I'll go back to eating every 2 hours again.

All in all, everything is still going very well. I have my next prenatal appointment on Monday, so look forward to another update then.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Family Values

Here's the topic on my mind today.

Family values and dynamics were never really things I gave much thought about until recently. Family was just always there. They are the people you grew up with, the people that housed, clothed, and cared for you. Later, family also included those you chose to bring into your life on a daily basis and those you chose to care for, house, and clothe.

In my previous marriage, I was cut off from my family, the people that mattered most to me. I won't get into detail, but I didn't realize how much I missed them until after that relationship was over. The point being, there wasn't much thought or importance put into family so I didn't learn anything there... Unless you count the things I know I don't want in a family.

Fast forward to now; one of the great things about our marriage together is that we communicate very well and often. It's often expressed to me how important family is and has strengthened my own definition of family. Meanwhile, I express how important it is to have self-respect and respect for those you care for and love. The many conversations we've had has taught me that not everyone has the same idea of what it means to be a family. We both have come into the relationship with very different ideas and we're planning to meld those together into what we believe will be the best for ourselves and our children.

Does this mean how we were raised was wrong? No, not necessarily. Like I said, everyone's family is different and it takes different strategies to work with different personalities.

One of the most important things to me is honesty and then respect. Not just towards others, but yourself as well. I would never impose on a family member who I know cannot support me in whatever way I may be asking. One example I can think of from my past is never asking my grandparents for money simply because I knew the rest of my cousins were doing so and I didn't want to be an additional burden on them. This shows respect.
In reverse circumstances, I do not offer to do things for others that I cannot support, either. For example, if I'm down with a migraine, I'm not going to offer to help anyone move their furniture. Or if I'm bogged down with work, I'm not going to invite someone to stay at my house when I know I'll need the rest without company. This is self-respect and requires that you be honest with yourself about how you're feeling.
In addition, if someone asks me for something they believe I may be able to provide, sure, if I have the means. I love to give when I'm allowed to do it when I feel it's appropriate. The thing is, I usually "give and forget." Meaning, I don't expect it to be returned to me in kind. I'm overjoyed if it is, but it's not a requirement. The important thing to note is, if there's a pattern of giving without receiving, at least, appreciation in return, then I may very well stop giving to that individual. It doesn't usually come to that, though because I tend to restrict my giving to when I really want to, not when I feel obliged to.

On the topic of giving... One thing I've learned from being with Peter is that you must be sure what and how you're giving is wanted in the first place! Consistently giving to someone who doesn't want your gifts and maybe outright rejects them, brews nasty feelings on both ends. I just had to deal with this with my daughter the other day when she went in her room and cried because I told her I didn't need her help with packing things for the baby shower last weekend. Turns out, what she really wanted was to spend some time with me and giving help where she thought it was needed was the way she thought of to ask for it since she loves to help out. I didn't realize this until later. Would my response have been different if she asked for what she really wanted? Of course! So, I explained this to her and she completely understood.

I suppose I digressed a little, but the important thing to remember here is that everyone is different, every family is different, and just because you don't agree with how one family is functioning, it doesn't mean it's wrong. And just because one chooses to raise their own family in a different way, it doesn't mean they're throwing how they were raised out the window.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Nightly Adventures of a Dislocated Hip

So, my hip may not be officially dislocated, but it certainly feels that way!

Every night for the past 2-3 weeks, I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and have to struggle through trying to place my hip back in its socket on the way. I can tell it's going to be a struggle when I can barely roll over in bed without extreme pain in my pelvis.

I roll very slowly, sit up and roll my hips around while on the edge of the bed in hopes it'll decide to pop back into place before standing. If that fails, I stand and hold onto everything as I painfully shift my feet forward toward the bathroom. Sometimes this is when I hear the huge pop of relief, but other times, I must wait until sitting on the toilet, and other times still, I wait until I'm on my way back to feel that pop.

I thought I was getting this because I was so relaxed while sleeping, but last night may have proved me wrong. On Saturday, we went to a concert that had us home late at 1am. We're usually in bed by 10pm. I had thought about what the baby must be experiencing having the sleep schedule thrown off like that, but it was only a fleeting thought. Well, apparently, it has disturbed the baby's sleeping schedule because over the past couple of days the movement patterns have been different and in the middle of last night there was LOTS and LOTS of movement from the baby. To the point I could barely sleep and it penetrated my dreams more than usual. I think THIS is the reason my hip is popping out of place!

I've always known this is a strong baby...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Gender Neutrality

As you all know, or at least most of you, Peter and I have decided not to reveal the gender of our new baby until birth. Even then, the focus will not be on what gender the baby is, but rather the health and well being of the baby.

Some believe this is a silly thing to do and thinking about their reason for that is the exact reason why we're doing it. If nothing else, it starts the conversation on how we intend to raise our children.
"Gender neutrality (adjective form: gender-neutral), also known as gender-neutralism or the gender neutrality movement, describes the idea that policies, language, and other social institutions should avoid distinguishing roles according to people's sex or gender, in order to avoid discrimination arising from the impression that there are social roles for which one gender is more suited than the other." - Wikipedia
To me, this means our children can play with, dress, and act whichever way they want to without judgement from either of us as parents in regards to how they SHOULDN'T be acting because of their gender. It means we'll be dressing our baby in whatever color we have. It means we take no issue with boys playing with barbie dolls or girls playing with trucks.

I have been raising my 8 year old daughter this way and she's turning out wonderfully! She loves building with Lego and loves to cook. She loves mermaids and has started taking an interest in paper crafting. She has a ton of energy and enjoys playing outside and getting dirty as well as inside with video games. She says she wants to be a firefighter when she "grows up," yet at the same time be a mommy. For a long while her favorite color was black, now it's red (because it's my favorite color) and rainbow. When she was a baby, I dressed her in whatever I had and people often thought she was a boy, but it didn't bother me at all.

Raising a gender neutral child doesn't mean encouraging the child to be the opposite gender. It means we want to encourage the child to discover what they COULD be without restriction on what they SHOULD be.

So... to bring us back to the surface, I don't mind if, in your excitement, you decide to buy a blue/pink onesie for the baby, but please, at least, be considerate of the fact that we're trying to avoid gender targeted "stuff."

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Prenatal Appointment (32 Weeks)

32 weeks! I had my prenatal appointment on Monday and all is well. Still at an 8 lb loss with no concern about the baby's weight gain. The back pain from last week is completely gone now (thanks, Mom, for the heating pad!) and I'm walking almost better than before pregnancy! Lol
Baby's movements are becoming more rolls and pushes rather than kicks and punches and I'm almost certain the baby is head down most of the time. Overall I feel great!

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Start of Back Pain

My last wedding of the year is complete!
Unfortunately, during that wedding, my back started with pain that makes limping a regular part of my walk. Thank goodness for great husbands! I have a feeling it's going to be this way for the next 6-9 weeks... RELAX TIME!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Checking in

Ah... The familiar scent of colostrum...

I've started leaking and I can smell it now. -.- This happened in my first pregnancy and I didn't realize it until it was all over the place and I could smell it everywhere. Thankfully, I was watching for it this time and at the first signs of leakage, I purchased breast pads to minimize the smell (of which I can't stand...).

Also, I know this is kind of a weird thing to say during pregnancy, but my maternity pants have started falling off of me. :/ If it weren't for the belly band holding them up, I'd consider them too big.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Prenatal Appointment (28 Weeks)

I moved my doc appointment from Thursday to yesterday because the baby worried me with no exercise routine yesterday morning and I was continuing to feel like crap with slightly elevated blood pressure. In short, everything is fine and the baby's movement is back to normal. Other than really tired today, I feel better, as well. The doctor said, "This is just pregnancy for you..." Ugh! Really? The ONLY thing that makes me feel better is sleep... There's nothing else that can be done other than keeping up with eating every 2 hours and drinking over 100 ounces of water per day which causes me to go running to the bathroom every hour. -.- I now get to start daily kick counts and both Peter and I got our tdap vaccinations.

PLEASE NOTE: If you intend on seeing the baby within the first 6 months after birth, you MUST have your vaccinations up to date! Specifically the tdap within the last 10 years. The baby will not be able to get vaccinated until then and we do not want to take any risks. Thank you!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The beginning of the 3rd trimester!

3rd Trimester (28 weeks)! Most of my blood sugar and blood pressure issues have been resolved with simply drinking more water and eating more often. I passed a second 3 hour glucose test and may actually have a concern about low blood sugar rather than high. I'll talk to the doctor about it at my next appointment this coming Thursday. I did have a pretty bad high blood pressure issue this morning, but I think I'm ok now. Baby is moving more than ever now and we can't wait to meet this big ball of energy!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Wakey Wakey Exercises!

This is what I feel like the baby is doing every morning... I seriously don't need an alarm anymore... -.-;

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Another Update

I went to the doctor again yesterday since the near blackout I had has made me aware of every time I feel lightheaded. Blood pressure was super high when I went in, but was lower by the end of the appointment. My doctor is concerned about it and is monitoring me for preeclampsia. I don't have it yet, but I'm at high risk for it. She almost prescribed me meds for the high blood pressure. She said, "I don't remember you having so many issues in your first pregnancy. What's going on?" To which I replied, "Uh... It's been 9 years?" lol... I had some blood tests done yesterday for my liver, kidneys, and iron. As far as I can tell, they are normal, but I have yet to get official word from the doctor. A few hours after my blood test yesterday, I developed my first ever blood blister at the spot I had my blood drawn! It was nasty looking. :/ Fortunately, we did some research and just left it alone. It went away after a few hours and has turned into a very nasty bruise color. Luckily, it doesn't hurt. My blood sugar is also low, but making some minor tweaks to my diet (i.e. eating less carbs and more protein) should help keep that stable. I'll be taking the glucose test again in a couple weeks. My doctor wants me to monitor my blood pressure at home, so I need to find a monitor. If anyone has an extra one they aren't using (either one I can use on my forearm or a large cuff for my upper arm), I would much appreciate it! If I fail the glucose test, they'll give me a blood sugar monitor.

As for the baby, all is well! Very active and heartbeat is strong. When I expressed how much the baby was moving to my doctor she said "I'm not concerned about the baby, I'm concerned about you..."

Friday, June 5, 2015

Prenatal Appointment (24 Weeks)

Prenatal appointment today. Nothing new to report. I have been feeling exhausted this week and I almost had a black out episode a couple days ago due to low blood sugar. I'm ok, though. Baby is healthy and moves around like crazy! At least there appears to be a routine and I'm hoping it'll stick with it once born. 3 more weeks until the 3rd trimester!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Force is Strong With This One

This baby is so strong, we can already see the kicks on the outside of my belly!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

20 Week Ultrasound

It's a... Healthy Baby! These were taken just this morning and I just received word from the doctor that everything looks great! The baby was super active (as it always is...) so it was difficult to get good photos, but here we are!

We still have our baby name contest going! Whether the baby is boy or girl, the initials will be SJVO.
1) Guess the baby's name. Winner will be announced after the baby is born.
2) Give the baby a nickname. Winner will be announced at the baby shower in August (we may choose to announce sooner since I'd like to start calling the baby by a nickname ;) ).
Both winners will be given a nice prize.

More Entries:

Sarah Mullen: Samantha Jean Victoria Oliver or Samuel John Victor Oliver. Sammich
Nichole Marie Howland: Sunny Joy Violet Oliver or Scott James Victor Oliver
Tuesday Perry-Rubsam: Scarlett Jewel Victoria Oliver or Samuel Joshua Vice Oliver
JerryJamie Joz: Suzan Jefferson Victoria Oliver

More guesses can be entered into the comments below.

Monday, May 11, 2015

THE Conversation

Thanks Stampylongnose of You Tube for initiating THE conversation with my daughter before we were ready!
Peter: Rayne, you should play The Sims.
Rayne: The Sims has inappropriate stuff in it.
Peter: Like what?
Rayne: Like the thing they do under the blankets.
Peter: ...
Me: LMAO, can't argue with that one!
Rayne: What is it called?
Peter: We'll talk to you about that later.
Rayne: Is that what you did to get pregnant?
Me: Rayne can you stop asking questions, now?

We knew the time was approaching to talk to her about it especially with sharing things about the pregnancy with her, but.......... She just keeps surprising me with how smart she is!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

20 Week Update - Let's Play a Game!

20 weeks today! Yay, we've reached the halfway point! I've lost yet another pound making it an 11 lbs loss since getting pregnant. Checkup on Monday and anatomy scan on Thursday!

In light of this, LET'S PLAY A GAME: Whether the baby is boy or girl, the initials will be SJVO.
First, we'd like to see what nicknames you all come up with based on that.
Second, can you guess the name?
We'll have a gift for the person with the best nickname to be presented at the baby shower in August (no date set yet) and a gift for the person who guests the full name correctly to be presented after the baby is born. Ready? Set. GO!

Guesses so far:
Jen Byberg: Samuel Jameson Vincent Oliver or Samantha Jillian Victoria Oliver. San Juan 5-0
Nita Hahn: Scarlett Jaclyn Victoria Oliver or Stig Jackson Valor Oliver
Gwendel Rodriguez: Sambuca Jameson Vodka Ouzo. Now THAT'S a grandbaby you won't be able to keep me from.
Julian Rey Ortega: Jay Vo
Jaded Love: Steven Javier Victor Oliver or Stephanie Jeanette Victoria Oliver. Soji, sajov, say jay, sovi

Additional guesses are welcome to be made in the comments.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Pelvic Pain Update

3rd visit to the doctor within the past week and a half. Verdict is: There's no danger to me nor the baby. The pain I'm having is not associated with the other issue I started having. It's just something I'll probably have to deal with for the rest of the pregnancy. Something about there being extra blood in my system and hormones that make everything loose and soft. Yay... On a positive note, I'm feeling more kicks and punches now rather than just movement, so the baby is definitely getting bigger and stronger.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Program

Thank you all SO MUCH for the positive vibes, energy, and prayers! It actually appears to be helping! I feel better today than yesterday and I intend to rest ALL DAY tomorrow so it should only get better from here. A special thank you to Peter, Jaded Love and Marisa for helping me out with a wedding today! Today Baby Center says the baby is the size of a turnip and this is what I thought of. ^^

Friday, April 17, 2015

Positive Energy Needed

I don't want to worry anyone, but I feel the need to reach out for some support here... My doctor has put me on a temporary bed rest through the weekend... The baby is fine (I'm feeling movement almost constantly now), but I am not. Pelvic pain is worse and has progressed. If it doesn't stop its progression then I'll end up in the hospital which will only end in bad things. Peter is being very supportive and is helping me take care of things. What I need are good thoughts, prayers, positive energies, etc. to be sent my way. I have NEVER asked for such a thing from others, but I feel the need to now. Thank you...

Monday, April 13, 2015

Prenatal Appointment (16 Weeks)

I had an appointment this morning and spoke with my doctor about the pelvic pain. She wasn't sure what was going on, but offered a numbing shot to help with the pain. It didn't work. She also referred me to physical therapy. After just a 15 minute phone call, the physical therapist figured out what the issue was and suggested a few things that will help! Yay! I don't have to deal with this pain for the whole pregnancy! The baby is doing well as far as they can tell. They only checked for the heartbeat which was hard to find. This is funny because my pulse is difficult to find at times. I used to use this as proof to my friends that I was indeed a vampire. Haha... My next appointment is in 4 weeks.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

First Baby Bump

Yay! I'm showing through my clothes! And I've maintained my 10 lbs. loss.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Baby's First Movements

You know that feeling on a roller coaster, or even going over a hill really fast, when you feel like you left your stomach behind? It feels like an empty spot where your stomach is supposed to be? That's the way it feels when this baby moves around. I get a brief moment of nausea then I smile because the baby seems to be enjoying itself. :)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Beginning of Pelvic Pain

So... Apparently, I've sprained the ligament that attaches between hip bones and spans underneath the uterus... It's been painful, so the nurse suggested a pregnancy support band.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Beginning of the 2nd Trimester (Ultrasound)

2nd trimester starting on Saturday! Baby is doing very well and the first round of testing has gone well.

Baby's Back

Close up side view

Baby's Front

Another (blurry) side view

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Not Feeling It

I really don't feel pregnant... And I'm now at 8 pounds lost. There are small moments here and there when I know the baby is there, but other than that, nothing. I can see how some women can go so long without knowing they're pregnant. O.o

Sunday, February 22, 2015


So, apparently, some people would like an update on the pregnancy. There's really nothing to report. I feel fine for the most part. No morning sickness, we've seen the baby's heartbeat, and I have an aversion to rich foods (creamy, cheesy, super sweet, etc) with a severe aversion to garlic (just smelling it makes me sick). Official due date is September 26th.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Hmm... Severe aversion to garlic. Yep, that's my baby! v-v

We were at Taste of Tuscany and someone nearby ordered a very garlic heavy pizza. The smell was so bad I had to cover my nose and even then I could barely keep the contents of my own dinner down. We had to hurry and finish our beverages so that we could leave.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Prepare yourselves! A baby Oliver is coming. Expected Delivery Date: 9/26/15