Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Nightly Adventures of a Dislocated Hip

So, my hip may not be officially dislocated, but it certainly feels that way!

Every night for the past 2-3 weeks, I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and have to struggle through trying to place my hip back in its socket on the way. I can tell it's going to be a struggle when I can barely roll over in bed without extreme pain in my pelvis.

I roll very slowly, sit up and roll my hips around while on the edge of the bed in hopes it'll decide to pop back into place before standing. If that fails, I stand and hold onto everything as I painfully shift my feet forward toward the bathroom. Sometimes this is when I hear the huge pop of relief, but other times, I must wait until sitting on the toilet, and other times still, I wait until I'm on my way back to feel that pop.

I thought I was getting this because I was so relaxed while sleeping, but last night may have proved me wrong. On Saturday, we went to a concert that had us home late at 1am. We're usually in bed by 10pm. I had thought about what the baby must be experiencing having the sleep schedule thrown off like that, but it was only a fleeting thought. Well, apparently, it has disturbed the baby's sleeping schedule because over the past couple of days the movement patterns have been different and in the middle of last night there was LOTS and LOTS of movement from the baby. To the point I could barely sleep and it penetrated my dreams more than usual. I think THIS is the reason my hip is popping out of place!

I've always known this is a strong baby...

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